Millions Like Us (1943)

Written and directed by Frank Launder and Sidney Gilliat. The film begins – a voiceover narration helpfully tells us – “the summer before the war,” when everything was hunky dunky, and carefree, sun-filled family vacations could take place, featuring string lights, dancing, beach visits, and more. [Edit: Given the date, I would assume it’s obvious […]

The Dragon Painter (1919)

Directed by William Worthington. Scenario by Richard Schayer, based on the novel “The Dragon Painter” by Mary McNeil Fenollosa. Silent. Pre-film note: “This restoration is based on the two surviving original copies of the film: a tinted and toned 35mm nitrate print in the collection of Eye Filmmuseum, with Dutch titles and based on the […]

Ex-Lady (1933)

Directed by Robert Florey. Screenplay by David Boehm, story by Edith Fitzgerald and Robert Riskin. Bette Davis is Helen Bauer, a successful artist/illustrator whose work appears in books and on magazine covers. Helen is in a semi-long-term, semi-clandestinely carried out relationship with Don Peterson (Gene Raymond), who, to begin the film, expresses his desire to […]

Hearts of the West (1975)

Directed by Howard Zieff. Written by Rob Thompson. Once upon a time, a 20-something aspiring writer called Lewis Tater (Jeff Bridges) decides his skills and ambition rate too highly to participate in a ‘Western Writing’ course just by mail, and sets off via train (from Iowa) to Titan, Nevada to attend the course’s source university […]