Watch on the Rhine (1943)

Directed by Herman Shumlin. Screenplay by Dashiell Hammett, with additional scenes and dialogue by Lillian Hellman, adapted from Hellman’s own stage play (which debuted on Broadway on April 1, 1941 – i.e., eight months before the attack on Pearl Harbor and the official entrance of the United States into World War II – and ran […]

Never Say Goodbye (1946)

Directed by James V. Kern. Screenplay by Kern & I.A.L. Diamond (the future Oscar-winning writing partner of Billy Wilder, co-responsible for such gems as SOME LIKE IT HOT (1959) & THE APARTMENT (1960)), from an original story by Ben & Norma Barzman. Adaptation by Lewis R. Foster. I was very excited to watch this film…that […]

What Every Woman Knows (1934)

Directed by Gregory La Cava. Screenplay by Monckton Hoffe, John Meehan, & James K. McGuinness, from the play by J.M. Barrie. (Yep, that’s right – J.M. Barrie – aka: Mr. Peter Pan Man!) Yesss. Before the film’s title even pops up onscreen, you see bagpipers. Were you afraid that this Hollywood adaptation of this story […]

Footsteps in the Dark (1941)

Directed by Lloyd Bacon. Screenplay by Lester Cole & John Wexley, from the play by Ladislas (“Lazlo”) Fodor, as well as the play “Blondie White” by Bernard Merivale & Jeffrey Dell. (You may recognize Lazlo Fodor as the screenwriter responsible for THE GREAT SINNER (1949)…as well as the story upon which JEWEL ROBBERY (1932) is […]